Outer Hebrides
Pressure Vessel Inspection
Weld Inspection

Our partnership with NHS Western Isles
The challenge
Whilst the busy hospital was able to arrange for the repair work to be done locally, the end-to-end process involves a number of steps and can be complex.
Hospitals are keen to avoid disruption and equipment downtime, particularly during challenging periods. As a result, the complete project needed to be completed without delay.
The solution
One of our specialist consultants was made available to review and verify the repair procedure remotely, which is a crucial part of the process.
They can offer suggestions and query the plan if they think a different approach would be more suitable, but on this occasion, it was quickly verified as good to go.
The result
The repairs were overseen on site by our pressure engineer and once completed, we made sure our SAFed–qualified Non–Destructive Testing expert was on hand to examine the quality of the welding.
As the initial review found the repair work to be good, it was then put through a hydraulic test – the final part of the quality check process. The work was then certified as acceptable, and the boiler signed off for use.
Key outcomes
Major disruption and equipment downtime was avoided for the hospital.
The boiler was hydraulically tested and certified as acceptable
Our rigorous quality control ensured continued safety
Hear what our team have to say

Contact us to find out more about our Pressure Vessel Inspections.
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