United Kingdom
Remote Monitoring and Data Services
Our partnership with a leading cruise ship organisation
A major shipping company wanted to meet Class MPMS (CM) notation requirements for various equipment onboard their vessels.
The vessel owners invited British Engineering Services Asset Reliability Mimic to create a report, in collaboration with Lloyds Register (LR) and the planned maintenance system providers, that could be utilised by the LR society surveyors in conjunction with performing their vessel audits.
The original process was un-manageable and created frustration through time lost in obtaining the data. This highlighted the need for a simple method to present data to the Class Surveyor on demand.
The challenge
The solution
We worked with the planned maintenance system providers, Lloyds Register and the shipping company to create a simple ‘Class Report’ that could be generated from within the planned maintenance system to satisfy the Class surveyor requirements.
The report accumulates nominated asset data from both the planned maintenance historian and the condition monitoring system, providing a templated report that satisfies all of the questions that the surveyor may have, including:
- What data has been collected and how often?
- What are the alert/trigger threshold values?
- Have these values been exceeded and if so when and by how much?
- What remedial action was taken to rectify the exception?
- What was the value after the remedial work was completed?
- What is the current status?
The method provides a fixed statement of the condition and history of the vessel at the time of the audit.
The result
In collaboration with the planned maintenance system providers, Lloyds Register and the shipping company, British Engineering Services Asset Reliability Mimic successfully created a simple method of presenting the relevant information a Class Surveyor requires on demand, saving ship’s crew valuable time.
The system supported additional use cases including Superintendents wanting to know the history on an individual asset or group of assets. Shore staff utilised the system to compile KPI reports, helping to maximise operational targets. Should the shipping company need to conduct an accident or event investigation that includes the maintenance history or operating profile of an asset, the report is a critical supporting document.
Key outcomes
Simplified process of presenting relevant information to Class Surveyor, saving ship's crew time.
Provided fixed statement of vessel's condition and history at audit time.
Supported additional use cases such as asset history, KPI reports, and accident investigations.

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