Rockwell Hardness Testing

Rockwell hardness testing is a simple and effective way to measure the strength and durability of your samples.

The Rockwell Hardness test is a popular and easy way to measure the hardness of metal materials. This method, which involves making an indentation and measuring the depth of penetration, is commonly used in laboratories. It is a fast process that can be applied to different types of metals, such as aluminium, copper alloys, brass, soft steels, and hard carbon steels.

The Rockwell hardness test is ideal for determining the hardness of bulk metals because it uses heavy loads and is cost-effective. It is known for its speed, simplicity and non-destructive nature, as it only leaves a small indentation on the material. With the Rockwell Hardness scale, you can directly read the hardness level without the need for extra measurements or calculations required by other hardness tests.

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How is Rockwell Hardness Testing performed?

Rockwell Hardness Testing uses a diamond cone or hard steel ball to apply stress to the sample during the test procedure.

Initially, a minor load is applied to create an indentation within the material to measure the penetration depth. A major load is then applied to the sample, and the penetration depth is measured again. Finally, a minor load is applied once more.

The difference between the first and last measurements then determine the permanent deformation of the sample material, and results are analysed using the Rockwell Hardness Scale.


Rockwell Hardness Scales

There are multiple versions of Rockwell Hardness Scales available, which vary depending on the material being tested. Each scale utilizes different loads or indenters, enabling us to test materials of varying hardness:

  • HRB scale is specifically designed for testing aluminium, brass, and soft steels, with minor loads of 10kgf and major loads of 100kgf applied.
  • HRC is used for hard steels, hard cast irons, and deep case hardened steel, with minor loads of 10kgf and major loads of 150kgf applied.

Contact us to learn more about our cost-effective Rockwell hardness testing services!

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Our team of expert inspectors have decades of experience in Destructive Testing method, and they have the expertise to identify and interpret the flaws in your materials.

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Our team are qualified to PCN Level 3 and ASNT NDT, and adhere to the BS EN ISO 9712 standard.

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